"La Legge dell'Amore" by Cristina Vaira - Book Trailer
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Estilo DF – Dan Prioridad Al Mensaje, Más Que Al Negocio
La música realiza un gran trabajo al ocultar el esfuerzo que implica llegar a un estilo que defina en su totalidad al autor. Este es el camino por el que ha pasado Jandro Cisneros en los últimos 11 años.
Infobaja – Encuentran “Libertad” en los tiempos difíciles
Por Hugo Fernández Sánchez Tijuana.- El compositor y productor de música Alejandro Cisneros, un nativo de Monterrey a quien en el terreno profesional se le conoce como Jandro, reside en Boston desde hace algunos años y es en esta ciudad donde se ha forjado en su vida profesional y personal. Ahí se graduó de Berklee […]
Reforma – Jandro & Cristina enamorados por la música
Por Fernanda Palacios Jandro & Cristina compusieron su nuevo sencillo, “Libertà, Liber- tad!”, con la intención de ayudar- se a sobrellevar la situación ac- tual, abrumados por la cuaren- tena que pausó su música y los alejó de sus familias. “Estábamos sufriendo mu- cho esta pandemia y escribir es- ta canción fue como una terapia […]
Diario de México – Jandro & Cristina: Crean su Lego musical en ‘Libertà, Libertad!’
Por Carlos Meraz Jandro Cisneros concibe el proceso de la composición de una canción, junto con su mancuerna y esposa Cristina Vaira, como una expresión lúdica similar al armado de un Lego, el famoso juego creativo donde construye una idea musical como si fuera el juguete danés de bloques de plástico. Bajo esa concepción, su […]
Crónica – Jandro y Cristina usan la música para liberarse en la pandemia
Por Mafer Rodriguez El dúo italo-mexicano presenta su nuevo tema “Libertà, Libertad!”, acompañado de un videoclip Jandro Cisneros es un joven productor, compositor y multi-instrumentista mexicano que se ha abierto un prometedor camino en Estados Unidos. Su sencillo “Self-Respect” de 2019 le valió un galardón como Artista en Residencia para UR2. Global mientras que Cristina […]
El Gráfico del Universal – Una canción de Esperanza para la Pandemia
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, junio 6 (EL UNIVERSAL).- La esperanza de volver a ver a la familia reunida, fue el motivo para que el cantautor Jandro Cisneros y su esposa Cristina dieran vida al sencillo “Libertà, Libertad”, que tiene como objetivo, ver la pandemia desde un punto de vista optimista y humanista. Él es de Monterrey, […]
The Voice of Cristina Returns Emotions
Segrate In Folio, 11/22/2016. Notorious Personality: the Segratese, living in United States, sings the main theme song of the soundtrack of the movie “Nunc Coepi”, composed by her husband Jandro Cisneros. The wonderful voice of Cristina Vaira keeps making talking about her. The young Segratese singer, graduated at the Berklee College of Music and living […]
Musical Pillars
Bostoniano, Nicola Orichuia – 10/4/2014
Cristina Vaira, the Italian Voice that is Charming USA
Il Giornale, Massimo Veronese – 7/24/2014. In Boston, she graduated with Summa Cum Laude in the same school that honored Sting, she started to sing when she was a child imitating Whitney Houston, and she founded with her Mexican fiancé a band, The Pillars, that is not afraid of dreaming big. And she challenges […]
Creative Pillars
Bostoniano, Nicola Orichuia – 7/1/2014
Cristina and her Band “The Pillars” Celebrate Italian Culture in USA
In Folio Magazine, 6/18/14. ENGLISH TRANSLATION Music: The talented Vaira from Segrate is invited at the Dante Alighieri Society on the occasion of the 100 year anniversary on June 21st She is a talent from Segrate, who is opening her way to the American music business. Cristina Vaira, 30 years old, is living in Boston, […]
The Voice of Segrate thrills USA
Segrate Oggi, 6/17/14. ENGLISH TRANSLATION Musica: Cristina Vaira will sing in Massachusetts on Saturday to celebrate the 100 year of Italian cultural promotion in US. One year ago, we left her few days before her concerts “Revolution of Love” and now we found her again close to a great new date: a concert at the […]
Cristina Vaira is an award-winner Singer-Songwriter, honored by the Global Voices Film Festival 2021, presented by the UN Women USA, with her duo Jandro & Cristina, for their song “Libertà, Libertad!“. She is an Associate Professor at Berklee College of Music at the Songwriting Department, where she teaches Songwriting, Lyric Writing, Arranging for Songwriter and Buness courses. As an Artist, Music Producer, Performer, Voice Coach, Music Educator, and Writer, she embraces the world of music and arts with the mission of improving human living, in particular, she coaches young aspiring female singers-songwriters to find their voices and stay truthful and respectful to themselves, reinforcing good values, integrity, self-worth, and self-esteem.
Born in Milan, Italy, she moved to United States in 2011 to follow her passion for music and singing, and thanks to a scholarship, she could attend and graduate from Berklee College of Music, with a major in Songwriting. She also holds a Master’s degree in Music Business and a degree in Literature, Philosophy, and Mass Communication, with a major in Journalism, both achieved at the prestigious Catholic University of Milan, Italy. She is the singer-songwriter of her project “Jandro & Cristina“, former The Pillars, a duo band created with her husband, renown Mexican artist Jandro Cisneros. They are also former co-founders of The Pillars Productions, LLC, a production company created to produce music and video content with the purpose of uplifting humanity and enhancing self-improvements. Some of their projects include “Nunc Coepi, Now I Begin”, award winner feature documentary directed by John Wykes, where Jandro Cisneros composed and produced the film score featuring Cristina as singer and songwriter; “Cachorro”, short documentary nominated at the Eco FilmFestival 2016, Mexico City; “Oaxaca” a project in collaboration with the General Consul of Mexico in Boston, and many others. Cristina also received awards as singer-songwriter with her original songs “Libera-mente” and “Dentro Te”, for “Cantazzurro 2008”, “Festival delle Due Riviere 2009”, and radio competitions like “United Radio Music Contest with Radio Monte Carlo, Radio 105, and Virgin Radio”. She was part of the semifinal auditions of the renown talent show X-Factor Italy, and she worked at the major record label EMI Music Italy, where she promoted Italian and international artists such as Katy Perry, Norah Jones, Joss Stone, Jet, Kings of Convenience, Lily Allen, 30 Seconds to Mars, Tiziano Ferro, Valerio Scanu and many others. She is currently living in Boston with her husband and their two children, teaching and working on the release of her first book, “La Legge dell’Amore” (The Law of Love), available in Italian on Amazon and soon in its English version on the same platform.